General Searching on the Web

Choose one of the following topics, use the Web for your research, and write a one-page report.

Trace the events in the Microsoft Anti-Trust case from November 2001 to the present, using the search engine that you prefer from the previous exercises. Summarize your results in a one-page report. Be sure to include all of the URLs that you used.

Trace the events in the Napster case from November 2001 to the present, using the search engine that you prefer from the previous exercises. Summarize your results in a one-page report. Be sure to include all of the URLss that you used.

Discuss the current state of the digital divide, high-lighting what has happened since November 2001. You may use the search engine that you prefer from the previous exercises. Summarize your results in a one-page report. Be sure to include all of the URLs that you used.